Il controllo del web e la sordità della politica italiana

Pubblicato sul Fattoquotidiano – 22 maggio, 2013

C’è un problema di fondo nel dibattito sul controllo del web in Italia: l’incapacità o la non volontà di gran parte dei politici di comunicare con i cittadini. Un problema di lunga data, che ricorre particolarmente durante le campagne elettorali, e che puntualmente riemerge quando in ballo ci sono questioni legate alla libertà di espressione. E’ chiaro che il concetto di libertà di espressione è cambiato radicalmente con l’apertura dei nuovi canali di comunicazione permessi dalla rete. Così come è chiaro che non è tutto oro colato ciò che transita su questi canali: la rete è semplicemente un mezzo, ciò che fa la differenza è il modo in cui lo usiamo.

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EC report on media pluralism

My research on the case of News Corp’s proposed acquisition of BSkyB contributed to the recent recommendations to the European Commission prepared by the High-Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism.

The mandate of the group was to draw up a report for the Commission with recommendations for the respect, protection, support and promotion of pluralism and freedom of the media in Europe. The findings and recommendations are available here.

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Our digital memories and the right to be forgotten

Published on – 28 January, 2013

Teresa was only 16 when she was stabbed to death while jogging in the park. Giovanni, only a few years older, apparently killed her without a reason. After being sentenced to 18 years, Giovanni is now serving time in prison, while his picture remains imprinted on a website, among those of many other murdered women and their male killers. It is a constant reminder of a plague for the Italian society – more than a hundred of women were killed only in the year 2012 – but also a life-long ‘digital’ conviction for the criminals. Will they have the possibility not only to be forgiven by the society, but also to delete the digital traces of their past, after expiating their crime?

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Chi controlla l’informazione in Italia?

Presentazione pubblicata su – 19 febbraio 2013

Non è una novità che l’informazione in Italia sia in mano a pochi gruppi editoriali. Ma quanto pesano questi gruppi nel mercato dell’informazione? E chi controlla la maggior parte delle risorse? Sulla base degli ultimi dati disponibili cerchiamo di dare risposta a queste domande e di capire cosa si potrebbe fare per garantire un effettivo pluralismo in un settore tuttora dominato da pochi colossi.



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Leveson Inquiry e pluralismo dei media: suggerimenti per l’Italia

Pubblicato su – 1 agosto 2012

A un anno di distanza dal phone-hacking scandal, lo scandalo delle intercettazioni che ha scosso l’opinione pubblica inglese portando alla chiusura del giornale News of the World, continua nel Regno Unito il dibattito sul rapporto fra informazione e politica. Dopo la conclusione la scorsa settimana della Leveson Inquiry – l’indagine condotta da Lord Leveson per fare chiarezza “sulla cultura, le pratiche e l’etica della stampa” – ora al centro dell’attenzione sono le proposte per una nuova regolamentazione del settore dei media.

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Why Revenues are a Poor Indicator of Media Influence – the Italian Case

Published on LSE Media Policy Blog – 24 July, 2012

As the fourth part of the Leveson Inquiry concludes, the debate on press and media regulation in the UK will now focus on future policy changes. Among the several measures that can be implemented, our recent paper argues for (re)-establishing fixed ownership limits for media mergers. This solution is largely adopted in other European countries, providing a valuable degree of market certainty currently lacking in the UK regulatory regime. Each country, however, applies these limits in different ways, and policy options differ when it comes to deciding upon which indicators these limits should be based.

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Internet and online journalism in Italy

While broadband penetration in Italy is still at the lowest levels in Europe, the effects of internet on Italian media to date have been mixed. Although new information spaces have appeared, the web has not had a strong impact on the dominance of large media players or on the close relationship between journalism and politics. What Italy is still missing are authoritative voices, able to overcome partisan interests and act as ‘watchdogs’ of politics and information alike.

This slideshow is the last part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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Internet and online journalism in Italy (VIDEO)

While broadband penetration in Italy is still at the lowest levels in Europe, the effects of internet on Italian media to date have been mixed. Although new information spaces have appeared, the web has not had a strong impact on the dominance of large media players or on the close relationship between journalism and politics. What Italy is still missing are authoritative voices, able to overcome partisan interests and act as ‘watchdogs’ of politics and information alike.

This video is the last part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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The Italian broadcasting duopoly and digital television

Despite the advent of digital terrestrial technology, Italian television is still dominated by the so called “duopoly” between the public service broadcaster RAI and the privately owned broadcasting giant Mediaset. This situation partially results from the way digital frequencies have been allocated, as denounced by different European institutions.

This slideshow is part of the project “Media in Italy and the digital challenge”, which has carried out with the support of the Open Society Foundation. In addition to a preview on the reform of Italy’s state television RAI, previous episodes have focussed on information sources and digital terrestrial television.

Summary of the episodes:

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